Monday, June 22, 2009

Tanner Iglio: God Story

We had another great report from the Knoxville World Changers team after their first full day of work. The team is serving 26 homes across Knoxville - working on roofs (in the rain!) and other various projects.

Tanner Iglio called in to report that he'd been greatly impacted by the presence of a friend on this trip who just began attending church recently:

"My friend Holden and his faith walk so far has been awesome. I've pretty much been there through the whole thing. We've been good friends all throughout the year and he's been a huge inspiration to me to be a better Christian and to work to show it to him. Tonight we went up to the front to the altar to nail some things on a paper on the cross. Holden was actually starting to cry, which is unusual because he's a very masculine guy - he does not like to show weakness. It was amazing to me. I was crying. Everbody was crying. He's only been coming to church for a month now, and we have really grown together and he's just grown into a huge Christian. After only three weeks at PCC, he signed up for World Changers!!! It's so awesome to walk with him and get to know him even more! He's made a huge impact - he's made tons of friends, he's a great addition to our youth group. He's a very friendly guy, really funny, good with the younger kids and I would love to see him grow some more."

Remember, you can encourage Tanner, Holden and others by using an E-couragram. Just go to this link and follow the instructions for the Knoxville team!

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