Monday, June 22, 2009

Joseph Freeman: God Story

Here's the first God-story from the PCC World Changers Knoxville team; Joseph Freeman called in to give us this report. Beginning tomorrow, the team should be able to blog from Knoxville, but this first story is transcribed from Joseph's call:

"So...we were walking out today in the city to introduce ourselves, let them know that we'll be working in the neighborhood that week. We got to one of the last houses and walked on the porch and I was invited in for a second (which made the people with us flinch, because one of the World Changers' rules is that you NEVER go in a home-owners house! ) But I walked inside and talked to the home-owners. They weren't on the list for a project, but we were just introducing ourselves. They said, "Oh, yeah, you are from World Changers, we remember you from last year. Hey, can you fix OUR roof?" kind of like a joke, but not really. They said, "Oh, this our mom's house. She's really sick right now." She pointed to a bed in the room and there was her mom, lying in bed, really old and frail and sick. One of the family members started to cry. I said, "Okay, I'll tell the World Changers people about your roof - but can we pray for you guys?" They said yes, so we all walk in and see the mom in the bed, and we pray for her. I prayed, "God, please bless these people; put your healing hand on them and stop the pain." The family started to cry, I almost started to cry - it was really an amazing moment for us."

Stay tuned for more God stories. Often, it's the little things that make the biggest difference.

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